Aurora Public Library acknowledges the original caretakers and knowledge keepers of the traditional territory where we work.
As settlers and newcomers, we are grateful for the opportunity to continue the traditions of storytelling alongside the diverse
First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples who reside here.
We honour the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant and our responsibility for the stewardship of the land and community that surrounds us.
We honour the Nations recorded and unrecorded, and acknowledged and unacknowledged, who hold rights to this land.We acknowledge that we are all treaty people and accept our responsibility to honour all our relations across Turtle Island with peace, reciprocity, and respect.
About Indigenous Teachings
The Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action provide a pathway to building a relationship with Indigenous Peoples based on the recognition of rights, respect, and partnership.
APL’s Indigenous Teachings project features books written by Indigenous authors, encouraging our community to
Read Indigenous.
We hope you enjoy our focus and participate in some of the multi-faceted programming supporting this initiative.
Canada l Turtle Island
Online Reading Challenge
Please continue to check for event listings.
in Support of MMIWG
Join us at APL to help create a Micro Gallery that raises awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit (MMIWG2S) individuals.
The Canadian Library Project is a community- driven art installation that uses Indigenous-inspired fabrics to cover books, honoring the lives lost. Names of the missing and murdered will be displayed on the spines, as a powerful memorial.
Acknowledging history and ongoing injustices is vital. This event provides a platform to share and remember their stories.
Tuesdays Sept 10, 17, 24 | 7:00 - 8:30 pm | Creative Studio
Sunday Sept 15 | 2:30 - 400 pm | Creative Studio
Register at bit.ly/3LQ57A6
For more information, visit: thecanadianlibrary.ca
Virtual Lunch & Learns
Centre for Truth & Reconciliation
Join us for a week of immersive virtual Lunch & Learns webinars hosted by the Centre for Truth & Reconciliation.
Un-learn the myths of colonial history in Canada through expert-led sessions, followed by engaging Q&As. These 40-50 minute webinars are open to the public and will be hosted via Zoom Webinar and streamed on YouTube.
From September 23-27 | 12:00 pm | Online
Available in English, French, and ASL interpretation.
Visit full list of webinars at Centre for Truth & Reconciliation Lunch & Learn Webinars
Screening and Discussion | Aurora Town Square Grand Opening
For generations, the suffering of residential school Survivors has radiated outward, impacting Indigenous families and communities. Dr. Jules Arita Koostachin’s deeply personal documentary moves beyond intergenerational trauma, with an invitation to unravel the tangled threads of silence and unite in collective freedom and power.
This documentary is part of a broader initiative to explore and address the lasting impacts of residential schools on Indigenous communities. Additionally, the evening will feature a film discussion following the screening.
Saturday, September 28 | 1:00pm | ATS Performance Hall
Registration through ATS at bit.ly/46MooMB
NFB Film
Film Screening Winner
Top 5 Audience Favourite Hot Docs Festival 2024
Lisa Jackson’s portrait of Cree Elder Wilfred Buck moves between earth and sky, past and present, bringing to life ancient teachings of Indigenous astronomy and cosmology to tell a story that spans generations.
Adapted from Buck’s rollicking memoir "I Have Lived Four Lives", the film weaves together stories from his life, including his harrowing young years of displacement and addiction. Trailer: bit.ly/4dpkFqC
Monday September 30 | All day Virtual Screening from Home
To register, visit bit.ly/3LOBBuD
NFB Film
Whose Land
Learn about the land you are on. Includes Land Acknowledgements, stories from communities across Canada and FAQs.
Indigenous Services Canada
Supports for Indigenous peoples to independently deliver services and address the socio-economic conditions in their communities.
Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Documents include the Final Report, Publications, Transcripts & Exhibits, Submissions from Parties with Standing and Legal Notices and Records. The National Family Advisory Circle are volunteers who provide advice to the National Inquire.
Indigenous Canada
A 12-lesson Online Course (MOOC) from the University of Alberta, Faculty of Native Studies, that explores the different histories and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples living in Canada. This course can be taken online for free by choosing the audit option on Coursera.
Orange Shirt Day
The Orange Shirt Society was formed to create awareness of the individual, family
and community inter-generational impacts of Indian Residential Schools with the
purpose of supporting Indian Residential School Reconciliation and promoting
the truth that EVERY CHILD MATTERS. Includes speakers, resources and events.National Indigenous History Month
A Government of Canada site that includes learning resources, images, and events.
Native Land
A Canadian non-profit website and mobile app that has created a searchable global map of Indigenous territories, languages, and treaties. Please note that this map does not represent or intend to represent official or legal boundaries of any Indigenous nations. To learn about definitive boundaries, contact the nations in question.
Native Land
A Canadian non-profit website and mobile app that has created a searchable global map of Indigenous territories, languages, and treaties. Please note that this map does not represent or intend to represent official or legal boundaries of any Indigenous nations. To learn about definitive boundaries, contact the nations in question.